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From Sassanid temples to Seljuk mosques discover rich heritage of Boroujerd

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From Sassanid temples to Seljuk mosques: discover rich heritage of Boroujerd

TEHRAN - The ancient city of Boroujerd, located in the western Lorestan province, is home to a rich collection of architectural gems.

From Sassanid temples to Seljuk mosques: discover rich heritage of Boroujerd

The city, nestled in the Zagros Mountains, boasts a wealth of cultural heritage and a fascinating past that dates back to at least 3000 BC.

Boroujerd's historical core, mapped in 1850 by the Russian army, encapsulates the city's ancient heart. This area is home to numerous monuments and sites of interest, including the Imamzadeh Jafar, the Jameh Mosque of Boroujerd, the Soltani Mosque, a traditional bazaar, and several historical caravanserais. These landmarks reflect the city's significance through various eras, from the Sassanid period to the Seljuk Empire and beyond.

Among Boroujerd's architectural treasures are over 50 historic houses, each with its unique charm and story. Notable examples include the Birjandi House, the Tabatabai House, and the Eftekhar Al-Islam House. One of the most luxurious historic houses, Haj Agha Kamaluddin Nabavi Tabatabai's house, now serves as a museum of constitutional documents, offering visitors a glimpse into the opulence and history of the region.

Boroujerd's prominence rose during the Sassanid era when it was elevated to city status and a fire temple was constructed. Its strategic importance continued through the Seljuk Empire in the 9th and 10th centuries, making it a vital industrial and commercial hub. The city's resilience is evident in its history of withstanding invasions by Genghis Khan, the Mongols, and Timur, who attacked and destroyed Boroujerd multiple times. Despite these adversities, Boroujerd's strategic castles, including the Boroujerd Castle and Roomian Castle, played crucial roles in military defenses.

The city also held a significant place during the Muslim conquest of Persia (637-651), where Boroujerd Castle supported Iranian troops during the final battle in Nahavand, just 55 km northwest of Boroujerd. The Atabakan-e Lorestan, who governed from approximately 1000 to 1500, further contributed to its historical narrative.

Today, Boroujerd invites visitors to explore its ancient streets, marvel at its architectural marvels, and immerse themselves in a rich cultural heritage that spans millennia. Whether wandering through the traditional bazaar, visiting the historic mosques, or exploring the beautifully preserved old houses, travelers will find a city that is a living museum of Iranian history and culture.

