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The failed opposition seeks to boycott the elections

· 4 min read

The failed opposition seeks to boycott the elections

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed the efforts of the foreign enemy media to boycott the elections and said: The boycotters of the elections, in addition to various people, include a diverse range of opponents of the Islamic Republic.

The failed opposition seeks to boycott the elections

This is perhaps the first time in the history of the Islamic Republic that the opposition front includes a diverse range of forces, like before the 1979 revolution. Boycotters consider the elections in the Islamic Republic to be ineffective and a show, and they consider the hope of change through the ballot box a "mirage" in the most optimistic state and "treason" in the most pessimistic state. The elections could be an opportunity for the boycotters to take political action. The opposition, especially the foreign forces and figures who have adopted the policy of boycotting the elections, could use this opportunity to prepare the basis for the revival of protests. They wanted to lobby with the authorities of other countries such as Canada to prevent the establishment of the ballot box and the holding of Iranian elections in other countries. But it seems that the decline of solidarity and reduction of coordination of the opposition showed itself more than before in such opportunities and they did not succeed.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: Two discourses in Iran's commercial exchanges

Donya-e-Eqtesad devoted its editorial to the financial settlement of Iran's trade exchanges with foreign partners and wrote: The 14th government will be one of the claimants of two economic discourses for the financial settlement of trade exchanges between Iran and foreign partners: 1. Relying on domestic power and communication economic relations with friendly and neighboring countries. 2. Solving international political disputes and developing economic relations with the West. The effort of the first discourse is to establish a currency swap between the Iranian rial and the national currency of the trading partner countries. But the second discourse believes that the commercial settlement should be done using the capacities of the international banking system and the exchange of financial messages should also be done in the form of SWIF messaging. Sustainable development and economic growth are guaranteed when the 14th government can define its discourse in the form of the first and second discourses. In this case, all experts and scientists of the two discourses can play an effective role in implementing the discourse of the 14th government so that our honorable people can have a better life.

Jam-e-Jam: America's tactic to prevent the decline of hegemony

In an analysis, Jam-e-Jam discussed the American tactics to prevent the decline of its hegemony. It wrote: The performance of the American foreign policy in every period shows the fact that the American government follows a policy and a macro strategy, and that strategy is to attack the national interests of different nations regardless of their rights. By intensifying its illegal actions and violating international and bilateral treaties and ignoring its obligations, America wants to prevent the decline of its unilateralist hegemony and confiscate international laws in favor of its own interests. It is an action that unfortunately faced the silence of the international community and provided the basis for America's arrogance, but these extreme actions came to a deadlock with the revelation by Iran of the role of the White House. Therefore, on election day, people should reject policies that try to consider America as the savior and solver of problems and give their vote of confidence to a movement that uses its internal capacities for the promotion of Iran, so that they make the mask of the fake face of America, which has many plans for Iranophobia.

Siasat-e-Rooz: The nature of JCPOA still stands

In its editorial, Siasat-e-Rooz wrote: Although America has withdrawn from the JCPOA, its nature still stands. The important point is that the West, by withdrawing and entering the JCPOA, seeks to trap Iran in the game of revitalizing the JCPOA, the result of which is imposing new obligations on Iran, increasing the time for lifting sanctions, and normalizing Iran's nuclear situation. Sanctions are also a tool of Western pressure for extravagance. During the three years of Raisi's government, the negotiations with the Western parties with correct and rational management were only in the framework of lifting sanctions and not the revival of the JCPOA. It can be said with certainty that some people's claim that by reviving the JCPOA they will solve the country's economic problems and create a global position for Iran, is intentionally or unintentionally misdirected.
