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Hamedan draws 17 million sightseers in Q1

· 2 min read

Hamedan draws 1.7 million sightseers in Q1

TEHRAN - Hamedan’s historical and natural allure has captivated more than 1.7 million tourists in the course of the spring season.

Hamedan draws 1.7 million sightseers in Q1

1,764,144 tourists visited the historical sites, natural attractions, and museums of Hamedan province in the first three months of this year, a local official in charge of tourism told IRNA on Sunday.

Mohsen Masoum-Alizadeh highlighted that this number includes 3,786 foreign visitors who explored the region’s touristic hotspots.

“Ali Sadr Cave emerged as the top attraction within the province, drawing 198,292 visitors,” he brought to light.

In the city of Hamadan, Avicenna’s Mausoleum attracted 84,260 domestic tourists and hundreds of foreign tourists, securing the second spot, according to Masoum-Alizadeh.

“Baba Tahir’s Mausoleum followed closely with 70,302 domestic tourists and tens of foreign tourists,” he further elaborated.

A total of 62,426 overnight stays, the official underscored, were recorded in official accommodation facilities, which include hotels, hotel apartments, traditional lodgings, eco-tourism residences, and guest houses

Believed to be among the oldest Iranian cities, Hamedan dating its historical roots back to the 700 BC, brings to light how precious is the city to every tourist who wants to immerse themselves in the rich atmosphere of the area.

As the first capital of Iran from 2550 to 2700 years ago, the ancient city of Hamedan was founded by the first king of the Medes and was called Hegmataneh which means “place of aggregation” in ancient language.

It was also the summer capital of the Achaemenid and Parthian kings. Artifacts from the archaeological site of Hegmataneh as well as the inscriptions in Ganjnameh date back to this time.

Over time, the name of Hegmataneh was changed in the Sassanid era converted to Ahmatan /Ahmadan, and eventually to Hamadan.

With 1,800 historical and natural attractions, more than 1000 of which are registered as national heritage, Hamedan stands out as a prime destination for tourism.

The province boasts a rich tapestry of historical and natural wonders, from the majestic Ali Sadr Cave, the world's largest water cave, to the tomb of Avicenna and the Alavian Dome, awaiting exploration.

