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Netanyahu is interfering in US elections as no foreign leader has done before

· 4 min read

Netanyahu is interfering in U.S. elections as no foreign leader has done before

PORTLAND - Let’s cut to the chase, Netanyahu is willing to start a regional, or even world war to get Trump elected in order to stay in power and elevate himself as the premier Zionist of all time. Why is Trump seen as the savior? To many Zionists, including Netanyahu, Trump has done more for Israel than any other president and there is more that he could do in the future, things that no other president on the horizon would ever do.

Netanyahu is interfering in U.S. elections as no foreign leader has done before

Yes, Biden is proud to say that he is a Zionist and that over his long career in the Senate, as vice-president and now as president, he has done more for Israel than any other president—in financial, military and political support.

Now consider what Trump could boast. In a short four years he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, something that no U.S. president or indeed any other country has done. Why? The United Nations’ 2009 Resolution 63/30 states that “any actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever, and [the General Assembly] calls upon Israel to cease all such illegal and unilateral measures.” Ignoring that UN resolution and the rest of the world, Trump recognized Israel’s illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights. He also unilaterally withdrew the U.S. from an agreement—the Iran nuclear deal or the JCPOA—signed and supported by his predecessor, Barak Obama, and five other major powers. Why? Netanyahu and some in Israel did not want the agreement. Trump even did not object to the rapid and illegal annexation of more land in the West Bank or the expansion of settlements. Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, bribed a number of Muslim countries of Africa and the Middle East to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. He knows that rich Arab countries of the Persian Gulf have money, Trump loves money and Persian Gulf Arabs are good at using their money to buy U.S. support. And the cherry on top is that Netanyahu and the Kushners are so close that Netanyahu stays in the Kushners’ house when visiting the United States. 

So it is not difficult to see why Netanyahu wants Trump back to complete his agenda—annex the entire West Bank, drive all Palestinians out of greater Israel into a small area in the south and crush Israel’s perceived primary enemy and the world’s principal Palestinian supporter—Iran. 

Yes, Biden has been a great friend of Israel but Trump is even greater.

So what if Netanyahu incites a war with Iran or Hezbollah? Sadly, Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Secretary of Defense gave an undiplomatic statement in support of Israel as reported by a Pentagon readout: “Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke today with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant to reiterate ironclad U.S. support for Israel's security and right to self-defense against threats from Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups. They discussed U.S. force posture moves that the Department is taking to bolster protection for U.S. forces, support the defense of Israel, and deter and de-escalate broader tensions in the region.” Just consider what this means: Israel provokes Iran and other supporters of Palestinians by assassinating the leader of Hamas in Tehran at the inauguration of a new president and Iran and its supporters are called terrorists by the United States while Israel is spared that designation after having committed this atrocious act of terrorism on top of bombing an Iranian consulate in Syria, in violation of international law!

Netanyahu wants Trump to become the president of the United States, once again, so what is he going to do?  

He will force Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias and Houthis to retaliate and guess what he expects will happen? Biden will enter the war and crush Israel’s enemies. So Netanyahu wins. And if Biden doesn’t enter the war the Jewish lobby will lobby as never before to defeat Harris at the poles. Netanyahu gets Trump. Netanyahu wins one way or the other.

Remember: Netanyahu is no friend of America. Netanyahu cares little for the United States. Curiously Netanyahu has been an American citizen twice, and has twice renounced his citizenship.  ( 

Hossein Askari is an emeritus professor of business and international affairs, George Washington University
