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The Axis of Resistance has the upper hand

· 4 min read

The Axis of Resistance has the upper hand

BEIRUT- Though the Israeli occupation entity is seeking to instill weakness and fragility resulting from the major assassinations in the heart of Lebanon and particularly Iran, an independent assessment, placing emotions aside, allows the situation to be evaluated in a different manner.

The Axis of Resistance has the upper hand

It is no secret that aspects of the Israeli occupation entity’s strong abilities include the capacity to cause destruction and strong intelligence. This takes the form of information gathering about individuals and their locations by using sophisticated tools to reach targets accurately. There is a strong ability to recruit agents and set targets considering the fact that all the American intelligence means are activated at Israel’s request.

However, this reality on the ground is that ten months into the war in Gaza, it has become clear the Israeli occupation entity has not achieved any of its declared goals. This has been compounded by the cowardice the entity suffers with direct confrontation on the ground. This reflects the broader weakness of the Israeli settler society- it is a society of luxury and investment, not a society of war. They have no deep affiliation to the stolen lands and most settlers have alternative countries where they have come from. The costs of the war have been mammoth and there is a real threat to their production and service sectors. This is in addition to the social division amongst the population on major issues.

The entity began to decline after its tanks entered Beirut in 1982. That invasion marked a breakthrough, resulting in the formation of resistance movements with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s unwavering support.

The occupation entity is waiting for unexpected changes. This is due to the legendary steadfastness demonstrated in Gaza, demonstrating the unspeakable strategic failures of the occupation regime.

The resistance is firmly rooted. Its forces have deep faith in their lofty goals and enjoy high morale. They are ready for sacrifice as they are filled with anger resulting from occupation, injustice, humiliation, and poverty. Guerrilla warfare against invaders inside Gaza, with light arms and the ability to adapt to the most difficult circumstances, has led to the strengthening of the resistance 10 months on. This has all been enhanced across the fronts with Iran's support, that has increased capabilities and changed the pattern of warfare, with the adoption of high-tech drones and precision-guided missiles that achieve deterrence.

The past 10 months have seen the maturity of the unity of the fronts and their expansion. The Axis of Resistance’s capability and control of strategic sites and corridors have increased. Each group, according to its ability, has taken a different role. The front has exhausted the Israeli occupation entity.

The actions of the resistance front over these past 10 months have put the entity in danger of total collapse. Today Israel is a manifestation of sharp contradictions, not just within but with their master America.

Response to the attacks by the occupation entity has been strong and effective, shifting the balance of deterrence in favor of the resistance fronts.

The Israeli assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran intended to present an illusionary image of a major victory. The whole matter now is that the entity is searching for an image of victory prior to ending the war in Gaza.

The current obstacles to the ceasefire settlement in Gaza include the election period in America and Netanyahu's insistence on continuing the war. There is also a difference in the post-war vision between America and the occupation regime, in addition to divisions within the entity regarding how to deal with the Palestinians. The reality is that America risks the possibility of expanding the war rather than giving in to the collapse of the occupation entity and loss of deterrence.
