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Jeremy Loffredo another journalist silenced by Israel

· 3 min read

Jeremy Loffredo: another journalist silenced by Israel

TEHRAN – The arrest and subsequent travel ban imposed on Jewish-American investigative journalist Jeremy Loffredo by Israeli authorities has exposed the hypocrisy of U.S. politicians' platitudes on press freedom.

Jeremy Loffredo: another journalist silenced by Israel

While Washington remains silent, the shocking details of Loffredo's detention are throwing a spotlight on how White House officials are willing to turn a blind eye to the violation of basic human rights, as long as the predator is Israel.

Loffredo, who works for the independent news outlet The Grayzone, was detained alongside four other journalists at a West Bank checkpoint on October 8. According to one of the jailed reporters who later took to X to share the experience, the journalists endured a harrowing ordeal at the hands of Israeli soldiers, including:

Illegal search and seizure: Their car was searched, personal belongings were removed, and they were forced to surrender their phones, with one journalist being beaten and threatened with a gun when he refused. 

Cruel and inhumane treatment: The journalists were held in the scorching sun, and denied shade, water, and medical attention. They were blindfolded, handcuffed, and transported in a military jeep, subjected to verbal abuse and threats of sexual violence. 

Further abuse at the police station: They were forced to pose for photos with nationalist slogans, endured further insults and threats, and were denied food, water, and legal representation. 

Loffredo ended up in detention for three days before being released on October 11. He is now barred from leaving the occupied territories until October 20 while Israeli authorities continue to withhold his phone and passport, leaving him stranded and unable to keep up with his work. 

Loffredo has been accused of endangering the regime’s “national security” and “aiding and sharing information with the enemy”, apparently because he reported on Iranian airstrikes that hit Israeli military bases in the occupied territories on October 1. 

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) launched approximately 200 ballistic missiles toward the Israeli military, espionage, and intelligence bases in retaliation for the regime’s assassination of top Resistance figures, including Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah. 

Israel went to great lengths to hide the extent of the damage caused by the Iranian missiles. The IRGC announced 90% of its projectiles had hit their targets, while Tel Aviv and Washington claimed the operation had “failed”. 

A few days after the attack, Loffredo released a video report on the YouTube channel of the Grayzone, to shed light on the situation. The report demonstrated that Israeli authorities largely concealed the true extent of the damage inflicted on the regime’s bases following Operation True Promise II.

To prepare his report on the Israeli bases hit by Iran, Loffredo traveled to the Israeli-occupied territories and documented several impact sites that had not been reported by Israeli authorities, including areas near the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Loffredo also took the time to speak to the Israelis residing next to the targeted areas but said the majority of them refused to speak on the matter. 

The latest report of Israel’s violence against journalists is yet another horrific example of the regime's utter disregard for human rights and the freedom of the press. This brutal regime has now murdered well over a hundred journalists in its ongoing war in Gaza, with strong evidence suggesting that most of these killings were deliberate. Many journalists and their families have also been subjected to death threats from Israeli officials for doing their jobs. 

Analysts believe Israel has adopted a pattern of calculated violence designed to silence dissent and control the narrative. 
