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IMIDROs exploratory excavation increases by 27 in 10 months

· 2 min read

IMIDRO’s exploratory excavation increases by 27% in 10 months

TEHRAN – The exploratory excavation conducted by the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) increased by 27 percent in the first 10 months of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2024 – January 20, 2025), an official said.

IMIDRO’s exploratory excavation increases by 27% in 10 months

According to a Saturday report by IMIDRO, Ahmad Fattahi Mejlej, the organization’s exploration director, said IMIDRO and its subsidiaries—including the Iranian Minerals Production and Supply Company, Sangan Complex, Iran Alumina Company, the Exploration Empowerment Project, Zarshouran Gold, National Iranian Copper Industries Company (NICICO), the Copper Value Chain Project, and the Paya Consortium—conducted approximately 592,000 meters of exploration drilling from March through January.

He added that in the same period last year, exploration drilling amounted to about 467,000 meters.

IMIDRO’s exploration drilling target for the current year is set at 653,000 meters, Fattahi Mejlej said, noting that 90.7 percent of the plan has been achieved in the past 10 months.

The total drilling completed in the previous full year amounted to 556,000 meters, he added.

Fattahi Mejlej also highlighted IMIDRO’s investment in exploration, stating that the organization allocated 36.072 trillion rials (approximately $721.4 million) to exploration projects during the 10-month period.

He noted that IMIDRO’s exploration investment covers geological mapping, geochemistry, geophysics, trenching and small-scale drilling, core drilling, as well as sampling and analysis.

