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Israels heinous crime will not go unanswered Raisi

· 8 min read

Israel’s heinous crime will not go unanswered: Raisi

TEHRAN- Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says Israel has resorted to indiscriminate assassinations after back-to-back failures in the face of the resistance, warning that the regime’s latest crime against Iranian military advisers in Syria “will not go unanswered.”

Israel’s heinous crime will not go unanswered: Raisi

Raisi made the remarks in a statement released on Tuesday, a day after Israeli airstrikes destroyed Iran's consulate building in Damascus and killed seven military advisors of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).
He condemned Israel’s “inhumane invasion” as a “flagrant violation of international regulations” and extended condolences to the Iranian nation over the martyrdom of the IRGC advisors.

The usurping Zionist regime, he added, has committed another “terrorist crime” and stained its “dirty hands” with the blood of several Iranian generals and officers.

"After repeated defeats and failures in the face of the faith and will of the Resistance Front fighters, the Zionist regime has put indiscriminate assassinations on its agenda in the struggle to save itself, but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such inhumane actions,” the Iranian chief executive said.

“Day by day, Israel will witness the strengthening of the resistance front and the disgust and hatred of free nations towards its own illegitimate nature. This cowardly crime will not go unanswered."

Israeli warplanes bombed the Iranian consulate, situated next to the embassy building in Damascus’s Mezzeh district, on Monday afternoon.

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps named Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force and his deputy General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi as among the martyrs of the terrorist attack.

Iranian officials have vowed a firm response to the Israeli crime that violated all international obligations and conventions.

Israel to face severe punishment for attack on Damascus mission: speaker

Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf strongly condemns the deadly Israeli airstrike on Iran's consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus, warning that the occupying entity will receive “severe punishment” for the terrorist attack.

In a message of condolence issued early on Tuesday, Ghalibaf said the naked aggression that saw the cold-blooded killing of a number of “brave and courageous” Iranian military commanders further exposes the viciousness and brutality of the Israeli regime.

It also demonstrates the weakness, helplessness and desperation of the usurping Zionist entity in the face of the resilience and steadfastness of the resistance factions that are operating across the region, added the message.

“The ignorant leaders of the usurping Israeli regime and their advocates had better realize that such vicious acts will not impact the willpower of resistance fighters who are seeking freedom, and their aggressive and malicious moves will be met with severe punishment,” Ghalibaf pointed out.

The Monday attack resulted in the martyrdom of Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), his deputy, and five of their accompanying officers.

Iran's Ambassador to Damascus Hossein Akbari confirmed that the attack had resulted in the martyrdom of seven people, but said the exact number of the martyrs was yet to be specified.

Reacting to the atrocity, Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement said Martyr Zahedi’s “pure blood will result in more determination to resist and confront the arrogant Israeli enemy.”

It said the Israeli regime would be “foolish” to believe that such assassinations could “stop the roaring tide of people’s resistance," noting that the crime will not go unanswered, and the enemy should await "punishment and revenge.”

The Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas also condemned the attack “in the strongest terms.”

It called the attack “a flagrant violation of international law, an encroachment on the sovereignty of both Syria and Iran and a dangerous Zionist escalation.”

The movement demanded that the United Nations Security Council take “effective” action to stop the regime’s aggression on the region, “which adds fuel to the fire and undermines international stability and security.”

U.S. should be held to account: Iran FM

Iran’s foreign minister said, as the Israeli regime’s biggest supporter, the United States should be held to account following the deadly attack by Tel Aviv against the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian made the remarks in a post on X, formerly Twitter, in early Tuesday.

He said Iran's Foreign Ministry had summoned the chargé d'affaires of Switzerland, which represents Washington's interests in Tehran, after the attack.

‘Important message’

“During the summons, the dimensions of the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack and crime were explained, and the American administration’s responsibility underlined,” read the post by the Iranian top diplomat.

“An important message was relayed to the American administration as the Zionist regime’s supporter,” it noted. “The United States should be held to account.”

The U.S. has historically acted as the regime’s biggest ally, providing it with billions of dollars in terms of military aid on an annual basis and shielding Tel Aviv against condemnatory and punitive measures at the United Nations by vetoing those measures.

Also on Monday, Amir Abdollahian held a telephone conversation with Hissein Brahim Taha, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, urging the body to issue an “appropriate reaction” to the Israeli atrocity.

For his part, the OIC chief vehemently condemned the attack, pointing to the regime’s crime-riddled history and condoling with the Iranian government and nation.

Many regional resistance groups and countries around the world have strongly condemned the aggression, calling it a recipe for further escalation.

Separately on Monday, Iran urged the United Nations Security Council to strongly condemn the Israeli aggression, calling for an urgent meeting on the regime’s violation.

Writing to the Council, Iran's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Zahra Ershadi, denounced the aggression as a “heinous and abhorrent terrorist attack.”

“These horrific crimes and cowardly terrorist attacks are a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the foundational principle of the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises,” she wrote.

Such atrocities, the letter added, also “pose a significant threat to regional peace and security.”

According to the letter, Iran urged the Council to condemn the aggression “in the strongest terms possible,” calling on the body to take “all necessary measures, including through an urgent meeting, to address this egregious violation.”

Zionists should wait for reactions: interior minister 

The Interior Minister has issued a formal statement expressing condolences over the loss of General Zahedi and his companions in Damascus, saying that Zionists should wait for a reaction.

"I extend my heartfelt condolences for the tragic loss of General Zahedi and his companions," stated Minister Ahmad Vahidi in a message on X. 

Minister Vahidi acknowledged the dedicated efforts of General Zahedi in safeguarding the welfare of the populace until his final moments.

"Israel's response is a consequence of operational shortcomings and inaction in the field," he asserted.

Zionists will pay the price for their stupidity: Advisor

The political advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has condemned the Monday attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, attributing it to the Zionist regime's actions. 

Ali Shamkhani also said that the Zionist regime must pay the price for its actions. 

In a statement released on X, Shamkhani asserted that the Zionist regime, acting as a proxy force for the U.S. in the region, has committed a grave error for which repercussions are inevitable.

"The attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus constitutes a blatant act of aggression for which the Zionist regime must be held accountable," Shamkhani emphasized, stating, "Regardless of Washington's awareness or involvement, the United States bears direct responsibility for this reprehensible act and its consequences."

The blood of those who have fallen victim to this heinous crime will inexorably accelerate the downfall of the occupying regime: Constitutional Council  
Hadi Tahan Nazif, the spokesperson for the Constitutional Council, has strongly denounced the recent incident by the Zionist regime in Damascus, emphasizing the action's dire consequences.  

In a message disseminated on X, Tahan Nazif highlighted the gravity of the situation, asserting that the bloodshed resulting from this act of aggression will inevitably hasten the end of the occupying regime. 

"The Zionist regime's brazen assault on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus, despite its diplomatic immunity, serves as yet another stark reminder of the regime's illegitimate and aggressive nature," stated Tahan Nazif. 

This flagrant violation not only undermines diplomatic protocols but also contravenes the established conventions, notably the 1961 Diplomatic Relations Convention.

Furthermore, Tahan Nazif underscored the significance of the martyrs' sacrifice, saying, "The blood of those who have fallen victim to this heinous crime will inexorably accelerate the downfall of the occupying regime."

Israel's action Justifies Iran's response 

According to a member of parliament, Israel's recent terrorist action has provided Iran with what amounts to a justification for a response. 

Esmaeil Kosari, representing Tehran in the Iranian parliament, has asserted that Iran is fully aware of the violation of international laws and conventions perpetrated by the occupation regime. 

"The regime's recent attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, disregarding the 1961 convention, has further escalated tensions," Kosari added. 

Kosari condemned Israel's aggression, affirming that Iran will respond decisively, choosing the time and manner of retaliation. 

He emphasized the need for utilizing parliamentary diplomacy and Iran's diplomatic channels to garner international condemnation for Israel's terrorist actions.
