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Iran foils ISISKhorasan terror plot in Qom arrests 2 terrorists

· One min read

Iran foils ISIS-Khorasan terror plot in Qom, arrests 2 terrorists

TEHRAN – Iranian authorities announced on Tuesday the arrest of two individuals believed to be members of ISIS-Khorasan, a terrorist group, who were planning a terrorist operation in the city of Qom.

Iran foils ISIS-Khorasan terror plot in Qom, arrests 2 terrorists

The suspects were apprehended as they attempted to enter a shrine in Qom, a revered religious site in Iran.

The incident highlights the continued efforts of Iran to combat terrorism and protect its citizens and religious sites from extremist threats. Authorities have urged heightened vigilance among the public and reiterated the importance of cooperation in preventing acts of terrorism.

Iran remains on high alert against potential terrorist threats, especially in sensitive areas such as religious sites and densely populated areas.
