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Chinas Fujian province high quality development discussed in press conference

· 4 min read

China’s Fujian province high quality development discussed in press conference

BEIJING- The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China held a press conference on high-quality development in the southeastern Fujian province on Monday (April 8).

China’s Fujian province high quality development discussed in press conference

The press conference, which focused on pursuing high-quality development as overarching task and advancing Fujian's methods for Chinese modernization, was participated by the Chinese and also a number of foreign journalists.

Zhao Long, deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and governor of Fujian Province, delivered a keynote speech in the press conference, and along with four other officials answered the questions raised by the media.

Fujian Province, positioned as a manufacturing and digital hub in East China, is ramping up efforts to boost local businesses, to be supported by government initiatives as it pushes into an era of high-quality development, the provincial officials said during the press conference, the Global Times reported.

Fujian is a major province for private businesses in China. In Fujian, the private economy accounts for 90 percent of all business entities in the province, contributing approximately 70 percent of its economic output, over 70 percent of tax revenue, some 70 percent of technological innovation achievements, over 80 percent of local employment, Guo Ningning, vice governor of Fujian, said.

Globally, one out of every three pieces of automotive glass comes from Fujian, and one out of every five pairs of sport shoes is also "Made in Fujian," Guo said. Additionally, the province holds the top market share in the global new-energy vehicle battery market.

Jinjiang city has been a good example of how the province is supporting private economic development. Zhao Long, governor of Fujian, said at the press conference that in today's Jinjiang, on average, there is one entrepreneur for every seven people.

Despite Jinjiang's land area accounting for only a small slice of the entire province of Fujian, it generates one 16th of the province's total economic output, making it a well-known hub for brands both domestically and internationally, Zhao noted.

Many popular brands such as Anta Sports and enterprises like Panpan Foods all hail from Jinjiang. Without reforms and opening-up policies, the developmental achievements of Jinjiang today would be unimaginable, Zhao added.

With the robust development of private companies, the province has seen the acceleration in the development of its modern industrial system. For example, the province is now home to 38 out of 41 major industrial categories. The proportion of value-added manufacturing in GDP ranks fourth nationwide, according to the press conference.

The scale of pillar industries, such as advanced equipment manufacturing and modern textile and apparel making has surpassed trillions of yuan in output value. Leading enterprises like CATL and Fuyao Glass based in the province, now enjoy a global reputation.

Building upon these accomplishments, the province is committed to fostering a world class business environment by upholding the principles of market, rule of law as well as globalization, said Guo. 

Among all the measures, the provincial government pledged to persist in promoting fair competition among all market entities, safeguarding the property rights of private enterprises, and protecting the rights and interests of all entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, according to Guo.

It is worth mentioning that the foreign journalists present in the press conference on Fujian development attended that meeting as a part of their four-month program arranged by China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC).

CIPCC, under the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), has initiated a program to build a platform for the media from countries around the world, especially developing countries, to observe China and study development in this country.

The program aimed at media exchange was halted in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 epidemic.

In each edition of the program, journalists from all around the world gather together to get familiar with the modern China and exchange their experiences in the field of journalism.

In 2024 edition of the program, scheduled to be held from late February until late June, over 100 journalists from more than 90 countries are participating.
