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Supporters of Israel have begged

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Supporters of Israel have begged

TEHRAN - Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its editorial to the reaction of the West to the Israeli terrorist attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria and wrote: If this attack had been carried out by Iran, the Western countries of America, Canada, England, France, Germany and the entire European Union By issuing harsh statements, they would have condemned Iran's action, and by calling for a meeting of the United Nations and its Security Council, they not only condemned Iran but also demanded international punishment of Iran by the United Nations and the Security Council.

Supporters of Israel have begged

They put Iran under more pressure and introduced the fake Israeli regime as authorized and entitled to revenge. But now that Iran has made a serious decision to punish terrorists and aggressors, Western countries are contacting Iranian authorities or sending messages asking for restraint on the part of the Islamic Republic so that it does not react to the crime of the fake Israeli regime. All these pleas are because they know that Islamic Iran's ability to punish the aggressor is far beyond what is imagined, and even in the event of an intensification of the crisis and an all-out war in the region, which will spread to the whole world, Iran also can continue and respond in a tough way.

Iran: Zionists and supporters are afraid of Iran's definite attack

In a note, the Iran newspaper discussed the efforts of military officials and Western diplomats. It said: A few days after announcing Iran's decision to definitively respond to Israel's attack, Netanyahu tried to adapt the development process to his taste out of fear of possible retribution. In particular, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his latest position by saying, "The attack of the Zionist regime on the consulate of the Islamic Republic was an attack on the territory of Iran and Israel must be punished and will be punished", assured the authorities of this regime about a deterrent retaliatory attack. The authorities of the European and regional countries were urged to contact Tehran to reduce the current tensions. 

Sobh-e-No: "war of attrition" strategy against the Zionist regime

Sobh-e-No devoted its editorial to Iran's strategy against Israel and wrote: Israel attacked the Iranian consulate to reduce the crisis of its problems with the United States to attract the attention of the United States. But Iran's threat to respond has caused the Zionist regime to be paralyzed by fear. Iran's intention in responding to the crazy action of the Zionist regime is to use the "war of attrition" strategy, not just "strategic patience" until the strategic and military power of this regime, whose soldiers are currently fighting with the resistance forces, dwindles more than before. On the other hand, Western countries, as usual, unilaterally asked Iran to prevent tension and did not even agree to issue a condemning statement against the Zionist regime. Of course, Iran is used to the contradictory behavior of the West, and for this reason, it never pays attention to their promises and does not turn a blind eye to their actions. Although Iran considers it its right to punish the Zionist regime, it will implement that at the appropriate time and place.

Hamshahri: Intensification of tension with Western media

Hamshahri wrote in an analysis: 11 days after the attack of the Zionist regime on the Iranian consular building, some countries are seeking to instill insecurity due to the tension and conflict between Iran and Israel in the region. The claim of these media to know about the time of Iran's counterattack has been clumsy and false. Meanwhile, Iran has announced in several messages that the retaliatory attack on the interests of the Zionist regime will be limited and with specific goals. These countries, centered on Europeans, by creating a heavy psychological atmosphere, create extensive international pressure around Iran so that the government gives up its right to legitimate defense against Israel's attack. Western media have played a prominent role in announcing repeated predictions of Iran's attack in recent days. On the one hand, this propaganda is aimed at inducing intensification of tension and creating inflammation in the entire Middle East, and on the other hand, by creating a false atmosphere of hesitancy among the country's officials to respond to Israel, it incites public opinion to put pressure on the government.
