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23 posts tagged with "tehran-papers"

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· 5 min read

Shameless slavery of the opposition

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan dealt with the support of foreign opposition for Israel's crimes and wrote: One of the unfortunate aspects of the developments during the months that have passed since the war between Israel and Gaza is the insolence of the foreign opposition in supporting criminals that even many Western media do not want to defend them.

Shameless slavery of the opposition

· 4 min read

New order in West Asia with the role of Iran

TEHRAN - Kayhan devoted its editorial to the withdrawal of projects such as the IMEC commercial corridor for an indefinite period and said: The "India-Middle East-Europe" economic corridor and more precisely the "India-Israel-Europe" corridor was originally an "American-Israeli" idea.

New order in West Asia with the role of Iran

· 4 min read

Common fields of cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia

TEHRAN - The Iran newspaper presented its analysis regarding the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia as follows: Despite the efforts made by the American-Israeli axis to influence the improving relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the convergence process of these two countries in recent months and after the beginning of the Gaza war, Saudi Arabia has reached numerous proposals for economic cooperation with Iran.

Common fields of cooperation between Iran and Saudi Arabia

· 5 min read

We will make them regret

TEHRAN - In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the terrorist attack on the Iranian consulate building in Damascus by the Zionist regime and said: With this barbaric act, it seems that the leaders of Israel are at the end of their political life, because in their opinion, by spreading the scope of the war to the surrounding environment, they will burn Iran and the Middle East in the flames of this crisis.

We will make them regret

· 4 min read

Separatism in the service of sabotage

TEHRAN - In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the plans of the enemy to divide Iran and said: The enemies of ethnic diversity in Iran, including the British government, have sought to create a crisis, divide the country, and weaken a strong Iran.

Separatism in the service of sabotage

· 4 min read

Significant advantages of relations between Tehran and Riyadh

TEHRAN - In an article, Kayhan discussed the benefits of normalizing relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and quoted the Chinese news agency Xinhua as saying: Tehran-Riyadh relations have overcome regional turmoil in the past year and have had significant benefits for the people of both countries and the region.

Significant advantages of relations between Tehran and Riyadh