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West fears the continuation of the process of strengthening Iran

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West fears the continuation of the process of strengthening Iran

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed the attention of America to Iran's election. It wrote: Western political and media circles follow all Iranian elections with sensitivity and hope that the process of the increase of Iran's power during the presidency of Raisi does not continue.

West fears the continuation of the process of strengthening Iran

Analysts say the first round of Iran's presidential election showed a decline in support for reformists and principlists. Although some voters are pushing for change by backing the only reformist candidate. Iran is suffering from the economic effects of sanctions. These elections also took place amid escalating regional tensions over the Gaza war between Israel and Tehran's ally Hamas, and diplomatic tensions over Iran's nuclear program. But The Guardian, referring to Iran's victories in the field and diplomacy in recent years, wrote that America is no longer the biggest power in the Middle East. Iran is the biggest power. The position of superior power in the roegion is now in Iran's hands.

Iran: Strategic diplomatic achievements 

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper discussed the revival of relations between Iran and Tajikistan and wrote: One of the special tasks that was put on the agenda of the country's diplomatic system in the 13th government was the revival of relations with the neighbors. In addition to the resumption of bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia, the revival of the severed relations between Tehran and Dushanbe was also of special importance for foreign policy. But in the 13th government, in a short period, it led to the resumption of bilateral relations between Tehran and Dushanbe. The transformation that martyr Raisi made in the country's foreign policy led to Iran's exit from international isolation. Activating the capacities of cooperation with neighboring and independent countries from the West, as well as increasing political and economic interactions with countries that previously had relations with Iran, were actions that were pursued by our country's diplomacy in the last three years. But the most important thing was the resumption of bilateral relations with the countries with which the cooperation capacity was neglected in the previous government. Revival of the severed relations with Tajikistan was one of the important successes achieved during the presidency of martyr Raisi.

Jam-e-Jam: Strategies of enemies of the system to weaken participation in elections

A review of the recent events related to the 14th presidential election indicated that the enemies of the system tried to overshadow the presidential election with several strategies and disrupt the process of holding the election, but all these conspiracies, which were designed in several phases failed with the consciousness of the security forces and people. Boycotting the elections was one of the main strategies of the regime's enemies, which has a precedent. This project was often followed by foreign media, which are agents of American-Zionist policies. Most of the programs of these networks, which are the claimants of the freedom of speech and the realization of democracy, were used to darken the electoral atmosphere of our country, to discourage people from going to the voting ballots, and use this as a bargaining chip for other destructive actions against the system. Of course, the defeat of the anti-revolution and monarchist groups was not focused on the internal borders, and in a concerted action, they tried to organize an inappropriate atmosphere against the supporters of the system by insulting the voters abroad. However, Iranians abroad also voted regardless of this poisoned atmosphere and provided the basis for the destruction and isolation of enemies.

Ham Mihan: The danger alarm in West Asia

In an explanation, Ham Mihan discussed the increase in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah. The paper said: Some observers and analysts believe that the Israeli government is seeking to expand the war on a new front because it has not achieved its declared goals in the Gaza war. According to Lina Khatib, a researcher at the Chatham House think tank, Hezbollah knows that the public opinion in Lebanon has no desire to go to war with Israel and knows that if the war starts, it is possible that the groups supported by Iran as well as Iran will get involved in war, an issue that Iran avoids it. The escalation of tension in West Asia and the extension of the war to Lebanon will bring Iran directly or indirectly into the conflict. In a situation where Iran is under the pressure of extensive Western sanctions, the increase in tensions can cause Western supporters of Israel to increase the pressure on Iran. At the same time, after the direct conflict between Iran and Israel in April and both sides crossing the former red lines and creating "new rules of conflict", the possibility of a direct confrontation between Iran and Israel increases even more.
