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Another nail in the coffin of the wrong state

· 4 min read

Another nail in the coffin of the wrong state

BEIRUT - The actions of the resistance front over these past 10 months have put the Israeli occupation entity in danger of total collapse.

Another nail in the coffin of the wrong state

Today Israel is a manifestation of sharp contradictions. Its master the United States is also in such a situation. The irreversible strategic shifts and loss of deterrence for the Israeli occupation entity led to the escalatory provocative bombing attack on Yemen’s Hodeida, the killing of Hashd al-Shaabi fighters in Iraq, and the high-profile assassinations in Lebanon and Iran, breaking the existing rules of engagement.

The aim of the Israeli occupation regime, along with America, is to restore some deterrence and boost the morale of its forces, in contrast to the realities of its failures on the ground. America sees that if the war ended prior to the provocative attacks on Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran, it would have been a full defeat for the entity. This has very big implications for the region itself. For this reason, America sought, alongside the occupation regime, to get an image of victory through the attacks.

If America had to choose between collapsing the occupation entity's deterrence or expanding the war, it would have chosen to extend it. That is why it signaled a green light for the entity to carry out the attacks, despite the pending escalation. 

The red line for America is that the Israeli occupation entity cannot collapse at the hands of the resistance axis – America wishes to remain in the driver’s seat through leading its policies in the region, seeking to determine and limit the role of the entity according to the necessity of its existence and size. 

To maintain new levels of deterrence in favor of the resistance, it is expected the response be harsh and equal in weight. If the Israeli occupation entity responds to the resistance attacks strongly, the war will expand. That is why America will press the entity not to respond strongly since it cannot tolerate repercussions without direct American help. For this reason, Washington seeks to close this round of escalation.

The red line for America is that the occupation entity will not drag it to a war they are not ready for. It is America that is leading the strategy for war. America is not ready for a big war and Biden has told Netanyahu that America will ‘defend’ the entity against attacks but will not support it in future adventurous actions.

All of America's efforts are now directed at pressuring Netanyahu to reach a compromise agreement in the backdrop of this superficial victory, that will end the war on the northern front and reduce the magnitude of Iran's awaited response. This is unlikely before the upcoming Iranian response since Netanyahu doesn't seek to end the war at this moment. In any case, the resistance axis will not accept reaching a deal on the ruins of this facade of victory and there will be a strong response that will blow this facade of victory out of the water. The resistance is likely to hit sensitive strategic important targets and Iran will attack based on the attack on its sovereignty – without the intention of leading to further escalation.

The resistance axis attacks to date have been strong and effective in shifting the balance of deterrence in favor of the resistance front. To maintain the new levels of deterrence, the resistance cannot but take bold steps in equivalence - amounting to deterrence.

The occupation regime is now begging for the West to form a coalition to protect it - as though that is their primary function – although the wrong state was created to protect Western interests. America is bringing its forces of power to the region to intercept the incoming drones and missiles, while the occupation regime is taking all kinds of expensive and precautious measures to reduce the effect of the hit. 
