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4 posts tagged with "yemen"

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Ansarullah a thorn in the side of Israel

· 8 min read

Ansarullah a thorn in the side of Israel

TEHRAN- The armed forces of the Ansarullah government in Yemen's capital Sana'a have claimed responsibility for a drone attack that struck a sensitive area in central Tel Aviv close to the U.S. embassy.

Ansarullah a thorn in the side of Israel

Tehran rejects involvement in Yemen maritime operations against Israel

· 2 min read

Tehran rejects involvement in Yemen maritime operations against Israel

TEHRAN - In a strong rebuke, Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York has dismissed allegations by Western powers that the Islamic Republic has provided aid to Yemeni armed forces engaged in anti-Israel operations in the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean.

Tehran rejects involvement in Yemen maritime operations against Israel