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2 posts tagged with "bernie-sanders"

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Could the Gaza war morph into a MuslimJewish war and entrap the United States

· 13 min read

Could the Gaza war morph into a Muslim-Jewish war and entrap the United States?

PORTLAND - Most people have witnessed the unfolding Israeli horrors in Gaza. No sane human being could classify Israel’s war as self-defense. It is brutal carnage in real time. Israel has killed well over 40,000 Palestinians, including 30,000 women and children in Gaza, with many more likely buried under the rubble and thousands injured; it has denied food and basic medicine to suffering Palestinians who have had limbs amputated without anesthetic and who face imminent danger of starvation, cholera and polio; and it has displaced the entire population of Gaza several times over.

Could the Gaza war morph into a Muslim-Jewish war and entrap the United States?

Sander Stop military aid to Israel

· One min read

Sander: Stop military aid to Israel

US Senator Bernie Sanders said his country should withhold sending Israel “all offensive military aid” after the Israeli prime minister attacked the pace at which the US was supplying him bombs to use in Gaza.

Sander: Stop military aid to Israel